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The Young Genius LiL D
8 Spins 2 Songs 0 Bookmarks


Several great things well worth mentioning occurred in the year 1996. First of all 1996 was designated "The International Year For The Eradication Of Poverty". Secondly, In the month of March appearing very bright in the night sky and widely seen around the world, "The Great Comet Of 1996 aka (Hykutake)" passed by our planet Earth and was considered one of the closest cometary approaches of the previous 200 years. The third great occurence followed shortly thereafter, on May 21'st 1996 Darris Tucker aka Lil "D" (The Young Genius) was born with the extreme ability to show outstanding compassion and leadership for the new millieneium. The oldest of 4 children, 12 yr old Darris Tucker is what some may consider a child phenomenon! Rapping, singing, and reciting poetry since the tender age of 3, Lil "D" has been matstering his ability mesmorize any crowd. He knows the importance of education and maintains his grade point average as an Honor Role student at Carson Middle School while demonstrating his extrodinary abilties in all areas of sports (Basketball


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